Authors, remember you are responsible for the success of your writing career including marketing!


FACT:     Most publishers do NOT market your book more than offering media releases!


You develop your marketing platform by knowing…

– What is your niche

– Who is your clearly defined audience or reader (ie, age, gender, location)

– Where would you find these readers



  1. Do a prelaunch before your book comes out, give something away such as a free chapter or a special report on your topic in exchange for getting the person to subscribe to your email list
  2. Do a professional book trailer 30-60 seconds or a personal video talking about the benefits they’ll gain from reading your book or if it s fiction talk about the character. Get the video on You Tube and incorporate key words into the title of the video & create url to your website
  3. Social Media – Build a presence online, share content about your book, ask people to share.


How will you gain exposure both online and offline?


Create a marketing calendar

Public speaking on your topic

Have a reading of your book

Connect with book clubs

Host your own event such as a book launch


Be consistent with your branding logo & message offline to online

Have a great website

Connect a blog to your website

Have a name & email capture platform on your website

Create an online newsletter system to keep your followers informed about your topic

Choose 1-3 social platforms to create & maintain a consistent presence

Integrate those platforms with your website and/or blog

Send media releases

Do article marketing on your topics submit to sites such as


Do you need help maneuvering the maze of marketing & social media?   I’d love to help.

email me:

Connect with me on google+