LinkedIn is a powerful way to build targeted connections quickly

I am a real advocate of using LinkedIn for business because I know you can target your ideal market, meet people quickly to start developing relationships.  With that said there are some key strategies that will make you stand out from the crowd and start engaging with the right people.

Develop a marketing & social media strategy

As with any social network, it is important to develop a refined strategy before you jump in and start inviting people to your network.  Start by listing your basic goals such as brand awareness, lead generation or maybe connecting with colleagues for networking.  One of my LinkedIn strategies is to expand my referral partner base, so I spend about 15 minutes a day searching for people that fit my criteria.

Stand out from a crowd and get noticed

When inviting someone to your network if you want to get noticed and be memorable, do NOT use the default invitation to connect, not only is this lazy but you will never stand out from the crowd. I suggest you start by addressing the person by their first name, and then briefly tell them why you would like to have them in your network. You can always start to open the door by saying something like “I notice we have many mutual connections, I’d like to learn more about what you do and who you serve.”  This way, you actually begin a conversation!  Take advantage of the notes section and makes yourself a note how you met your new connection & other pertinent information you want to remember.  Finally, do not start off an invitation with a sales pitch, this isn’t a strategy that wins many friends!

write note how you met

,in common with





Now start the conversation

After you have invited some targeted connections to your network, now build the relationship by sending followup messages, comment on their posts
or engage within a mutual group.