
Marketing Strategy & Ideas

Tips For Marketing Your Business Offline

Many more people than ever have online businesses vs a brick and mortar type of business. You may be marketing your online business in person when you are networking and so I offer a few tips provided by my friend Paul Evans that will offer some ways to capitalize on your in-person networking efforts. This [...]

By |2014-04-09T05:00:58-05:00March 24th, 2011|Marketing Strategy & Ideas|Comments Off on Tips For Marketing Your Business Offline

Who Are Your Raving Fans?

I read an article recently by marketing expert Seth Godin on evidence based marketing. He explains that most of us present facts and proof and then we expect rational consumers, voters, followers, or peers to make an intelligent decision on what’s better because that’s how science works. “Thesis, test, evidence, conclusion. All testable and rational.” [...]

What Are The Rules of Engagement?

Marketing has changed in recent years when social media came onto the scene.  Marketing now has evolved into really engaging with your ideal client.  People want to be touched so to speak, especially if your target market is women. So often I am asked, “well how do I do that?” Here are a few of [...]

By |2014-04-09T04:59:41-05:00March 2nd, 2011|Business Marketing Articles, Marketing Strategy & Ideas|Comments Off on What Are The Rules of Engagement?

Marketing on LinkedIn

By now you have probably heard of LinkedIn and the power of this social media platform for connecting.  This will be LinkedIn’s 9th year and its growing bigger and faster every year. If you are a business and looking to connect with other business, LinkedIn is a good choice. If you want to stay on [...]

By |2015-02-20T14:36:00-06:00February 16th, 2011|Business Marketing Articles, Marketing Strategy & Ideas, Social Media|Comments Off on Marketing on LinkedIn

Businesses Uncertain About Social Media Marketing

Small businesses are warming up to online social networking, but have yet to really embrace it, according to a new report. Access Marketing International (AMI) Partners Inc.’s “U.S. Small Business Marketing Activity and Spending Study” found that while a majority of small businesses are set up on at least one social media website such as [...]

By |2014-04-09T04:59:04-05:00January 27th, 2011|Marketing Strategy & Ideas|Comments Off on Businesses Uncertain About Social Media Marketing
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