
JoAnne Funch

About JoAnne Funch

Marketing strategies for small business owners and entrepreneurs who want to know what works, and how to do it.

7 Simple Steps to Creating a Social Media Strategy That Works!

I was invited to present the topic "What you need to know about creating a social media strategy" at the Women Entrepreneurs of Minnesota Fall Conference last week.  The topic was so well received that I wanted to share it with my readers.  I find when I talk with business owners that social media strategy [...]

By |2014-10-27T18:40:29-05:00October 27th, 2014|Social Media|Comments Off on 7 Simple Steps to Creating a Social Media Strategy That Works!

Marketing Recipe For Success

As you know by now from reading this blog I love food analogies and I love to relate stories about food to marketing.  Last week was the finale of  the Great Food Truck Race featured on the Food Network and hosted by the amazing chef,  Tyler Florence.  For those of you who didn't watch the [...]

5 Ways to be a Social Media Rockstar

I am a big advocate of professional development and I love to attend industry conferences.   I find value in numerous ways such as learning new and relevant information to enhance my business skills which has a direct reflection on how I serve my clients.  Networking with colleagues and speakers also offers opportunities to learn more. [...]

By |2014-09-25T13:56:07-05:00September 25th, 2014|Blogging, Business development, Content|Comments Off on 5 Ways to be a Social Media Rockstar

7 Lessons teach us blogging is still a great marketing tool

Are you writing a blog for your business?  With over 42,000,000 blogs reported back in 2012 with an average of 25 billion pages viewed per month hard to imagine that most established businesses aren't writing content for a blog. It's fascinating to me that people blog for all sorts of reasons and topics. Some blog [...]

By |2014-09-18T22:07:47-05:00September 18th, 2014|Blogging|6 Comments

Marketing – Getting it done without falling into the rabbit hole

It's interesting to me as I talk with small business owners, more than I expect push marketing to the back burner of activities.   Smaller companies that don't have actual marketing staff have a bigger tendency because of the myriad of tasks they take on everyday.  Marketing is what drives a business, so how can you [...]

By |2014-09-03T09:51:31-05:00September 3rd, 2014|Marketing Strategy & Ideas|2 Comments
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