
JoAnne Funch

About JoAnne Funch

Marketing strategies for small business owners and entrepreneurs who want to know what works, and how to do it.

LinkedIn Your Skills

LinkedIn  introduced a new section to user profiles, which helps you organize your skills and assets. In this new section, displayed immediately above your education section, you can add a section that highlights skills, languages, certifications and publications.  All skills you want your contacts to know about you.  Prior to this, you had to get [...]

By |2015-07-26T21:27:26-05:00April 15th, 2011|LinkedIn Tips|Comments Off on LinkedIn Your Skills

How To Keep Your E-Newsletter Out of The Trash

Does your company produce a newsletter?  It seems with the high cost of postage and printing most companies have gone to sending their newsletters by email.  With most email marketing systems you have the ability to personalize your message, include great photos, video and call to action buttons linked to wherever you are driving your [...]

Final Tips For Marketing Your Business Offline

This is the 3rd article in the series focusing on tips to market your website/online business to prospects offline when you are networking or simply out in your own community.  It’s another opportunity to make connection with potential customers.   Creative Thinking 101:  The “Extra Step” […]

By |2015-07-26T21:27:22-05:00April 6th, 2011|Business Marketing Articles, Marketing Strategy & Ideas|Comments Off on Final Tips For Marketing Your Business Offline

Tips For Marketing Your Business Offline

Many more people than ever have online businesses vs a brick and mortar type of business. You may be marketing your online business in person when you are networking and so I offer a few tips provided by my friend Paul Evans that will offer some ways to capitalize on your in-person networking efforts. This [...]

By |2014-04-09T05:00:58-05:00March 24th, 2011|Marketing Strategy & Ideas|Comments Off on Tips For Marketing Your Business Offline
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