
JoAnne Funch

About JoAnne Funch

Marketing strategies for small business owners and entrepreneurs who want to know what works, and how to do it.

How To Stay Top Of Mind to Tip of Tongue

Have you ever have someone say to you "Oh I didn't know you did that"  usually it's just after they purchased a product or service from one of your competitors.  You can't understand how this person didn't know and you are somewhat irritated under your breath.  But the fact is, we so often don't communicate [...]

By |2013-09-08T19:49:08-05:00September 8th, 2013|Marketing Strategy & Ideas|Comments Off on How To Stay Top Of Mind to Tip of Tongue

How Even Negative Publicity Keeps Some Top of Mind

How do you stay top of mind with your audience? Pic from CafeMom This is a question all small business people should be asking all the time.  In this world of social media everything moves more quickly than ever and it seems we have only seconds to catch someones attention and get them [...]

By |2014-04-09T05:49:49-05:00September 7th, 2013|Marketing Strategy & Ideas|Comments Off on How Even Negative Publicity Keeps Some Top of Mind

Facebook Updated its Page Terms for Contests

You can now run contests on your Business Page without a third party app. This is big news from Facebook who had strict rules on how you can run any type of contest or giveaway on your page.  Previously you had to purchase software to install and run your contest, now this isn't quite necessary. [...]

By |2013-09-02T22:19:37-05:00September 2nd, 2013|Social Media|Comments Off on Facebook Updated its Page Terms for Contests

LinkedIn For Veterans Job Seeking

Why LinkedIn is imperative for Veterans seeking civilian work With the increasing numbers of veterans returning from duty, many face substantial obstacles to finding employment upon leaving the service according to the Office of Federal Contract Compliance  (OFCCP).  As of August 28, 2013 the OFCCP released updated regulations on employment of veterans increasing the opportunities [...]

By |2013-09-02T21:28:43-05:00September 2nd, 2013|LinkedIn Tips|Comments Off on LinkedIn For Veterans Job Seeking

Tips For Successful Facebook Contests

I had a conversation just the other day with someone who said they were going to post a Facebook contest as a status update on their Facebook page. Unfortunately I had to tell them that according to Facebook's terms and conditions you cannot do that!  You must have a hosted App (application) to enter contests [...]

By |2014-04-09T05:49:39-05:00August 25th, 2013|Marketing Strategy & Ideas|Comments Off on Tips For Successful Facebook Contests
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