It’s easy to spout off a quick thought on social media because it provides instant connection. But it’s also easy to post inappropriate things that can impact us in real ways. Adults and kids alike are sharing their moment-by-moment commentary without filtering it first with dire consequences. Here is the Tweet that got MN State Representative Pat Garofalo in a nasty controversy:

Here are three rules to follow before posting ANYTHING online: {Tweet This}

  1. Before posting anything on social media ask yourself if you are influencing the wrong people. What’s the point of the post? Whose feelings, relationships, job or credibility could be hurt by your post?
  2. Ask yourself if the post’s content could come back and bite you later in a negative way which could affect your career, future endeavors, community or your family. (Garofalo posted this in a voting year – yikes!)
  3. Avoid picking public fights and giving public criticism at all costs. Everyone you know (and don’t know) can see it and will think negatively of you.


What you post on social media now can haunt you immediately as in the example above or it can hurt long term.  This is often the issue teenagers don’t give much thought to int he moment.