There is strategy behind blogging, not only do we want to share out content with our loyal followers but we want to expose it to gain a wider audience. The overall goal of our blog is to reach a wider audience then we have goals for each blog post within the blog. The posts you make within the blog may be directed to a certain market niche that you want to connect with, or you might be seeking advice by asking your readers questions or you might quote others and link back to their blog.  (Always give credit with a link to someone you are quoting).

Bookmarking sites have millions of users and a great way to get your posts some exposure. I recommend you not be totally self-promoting on these sites and reciprocate by bookmarking other peoples articles when you read them. This is simple because on most blogs there are social sharing buttons and one of those buttons is a link to sharing with other sites such as bookmarking sites – so share the love, it will come back to you!

Check out these bookmarking sites:


Benefits of sharing:

  • Telling the world you are doing good work
  • Getting traffic to your blog
  • Becoming more of a thought leader
  • Linking to other people’s good work & sharing some love

I’d love to tap into your expertise, so please share in the comments below what are your favorite bookmarking sites?